5 minute positional shifting exercise

(shifting between 1st and 4th positions)

This exercise is for you if…

  • You’re looking for a systematic approach to developing rock solid shifting between 1st and 4th position

  • You feel confident shifting in one direction but not the other (“1st to 4th position is no problem, but I always land sharp when I’m shifting from 4th back to 1st…”)

  • You often find that your tone suffers on the notes just before and/or just after a shift

  • You want a comprehensive exercise that will improve your ability to shift on separate bows and in the middle of slurs

  • You are looking for an effective addition to your daily warmup routine that will help you conquer the fingerboard while focusing on building a beautiful tone

Enter your details below to get access to this free download —

    how to use it

    • Set the metronome to somewhere between 60 and 80 bpm (slower tempi will also work if you feel 60 bpm is currently too fast)

    • When shifting, shift to a hand position and not just to a finger

    • As you keep on doing this exercise, you’ll start to develop a strong physical sense of where 1st and 4th position exist in 3 dimensional space. This is the perfect time to double down on focusing on the tone you are creating and aiming for a thick, rich ribbon of sound

    • Keep in mind, this shifting pattern can be used between any two left hand positions on the cello. After conquering this exercise between 1st and 4th positions, I would encourage you to try it with other lower neck positions on the cello

    And make sure to follow along with the video