G Major Scale Walkup


My scale walkup exercise is for you if you need help with fingerboard geography.

You’ll receive a pdf copy of my G Major Scale Walkup with positions (color coordinated), fingerings, and bowings.

I developed this exercise for myself early on in my cello journey.

Because regular scale routines only carve a single path up the fingerboard (often up the A string), I noticed that when I played a piece in G major for example, I found myself in many hand positions that I never covered while playing my scale routine.

This version of my walkup (which goes up to 4th position) covers every hand position on each string that you’ll find yourself in when playing in the key of G major.

Enter your details below to get access to this free download —


    how to use it

    Play through with separate legato bows.

    When shifting, shift to a hand position and not just to a finger.

    As you keep on doing this walkup, you’ll start to notice patterns in hand positions across strings. You’ll also start to notice a pattern in hand shapes — closed, closed, open, etc.

    Keep in mind, each key sits differently on the fingerboard. Some keys have similar patterns (like G major and C major). However, each key has its own fingerprint, so I would encourage you to try this walkup with all the other keys.  


    Follow along with the video